Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Let's learn

When Osama Bin Laden spoke of "a Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims" in a recent audiotape message, he sought to delegitimise moderate Muslims who refuse to accept violence and coercion as an integral part of their Islamic faith. Bin Laden rejected coexistence with the secular West on the basis of universal human values.

Not all Muslims support his ideas

"The West is incapable of recognising the rights of others," he declared, echoing the sentiment of Muslim revivalists bent upon turning the tide of modernity. According to Bin Laden, "The West still believes in ethnic supremacy and looks down on other nations. They categorise human beings into white masters and coloured slaves."

Something for all to learn. If you keep pushing people's backs to the wall, they are going to bounce back.


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