Friday, March 30, 2007

B-word causes airport scene

A CASUAL mention of the word "bomb", and apparent over-zealousness of the part of airport security officers, grounded a family of four's holiday plans earlier this month.

On March 9, after checking in their luggage at about 7.15pm, Mdm Tan and her daughter proceeded to the security gantry to have their hand luggage and bodies scanned.

Then her 13-year-old daughter asked casually: "Mummy, why do you have to remove your shoes?"

Mdm Tan, 33, told her it was because the officers were "afraid that we might keep bombs in our shoes".

Overhearing this, a male security officer asked Mdm Tan to repeat what she had said, which she did. According to Mdm Tan, he then told her that she would be reported as she had said the word "bomb" twice.

Full story here

We actually have brainless, inflexible staff working at the airport who are not capable of critical thinking?

Much ado about nothing. Unbelievable.


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