Paddy-eating fence
There is an old saying that goes "rely on the fence, the fence eats the paddy".
It refers to the fence that is supposed to protect the paddy fields from predators and yet the fence itself is the predator.
Just like in Liberia where humanitarian workers and peacekeeping soldiers have been exploiting the plight of young girls to satisfy themselves in exchange for little and in some circumstances, nothing.
The adults know about this but they're too weak to do anything about it for fear of a pullout in aid from these very people that were sent to look after them and to protect them.
How sad.
I understand that these humanitarian and peacekeeping men have needs too, and in most cases these "services" are provided with consent but uh, isn't there a global law that says underaged human beings are not really ready to consent to these sort of things, or something to that effect?
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